Press Coverage, News, & Stories

Transforming School Is Key to Ending the Youth Mental Health Crisis
by Vicki Abeles
Psychology Today, March 1, 2022

Toxic School Environments Must Change
by Valerie Strauss
Washington Post, Jan 9, 2022

Forget About Making this School Year as Normal as Possible
by Vicki Abeles
Boston Globe, Oct 12, 2020

Why I Think All Schools Should Abolish Homework
by Vicki Abeles TIME, April 14, 2017

It Takes a Suburb: A Town Struggles to Ease Student Stress
by Kyle Spencer
The New York Times, April 5, 2017

Students Lack School-Life Balance
by Vicki Abeles
USA Today, Sept 25, 2014

CBS 60 Minutes March 1, 2011 Katie Couric interviews Vicki Abeles, director of the documentary Race to Nowhere, about the high levels of stress and fatigue in U.S. schools and how bettering school systems could improve the lives of kids and young adults.

"Education: What's Working, What's Not, What's Next" The Commonwealth Club of California, September 17, 2013