In this post-pandemic era, Vicki sees a once-in-a-generation opportunity to radically transform education and our society at large by prioritizing the well-being of our kids.

A former Wall Street attorney, Vicki became a filmmaker when she noticed that children across the U.S.—including her own kids—were struggling with a silent epidemic of anxiety, depression, and burnout.

Her debut documentary, Race to Nowhere, revealed how an obsessive achievement culture undercuts children’s health, growth, and learning.

One of the most watched documentaries ever produced, Race to Nowhere was brought directly into communities around the globe as a grassroots tool for conversation and action.

Empowered by this collective momentum, Vicki also founded the nonprofit Beyond the Race to Nowhere to build alliances between individuals, schools, and organizations who are changing the world by changing school culture.

Her second film, Beyond Measure, offers positive stories of what’s possible in education and society when students are given agency to direct their own learning.

Her New York Times best-selling book, Beyond Measure: Rescuing an Overscheduled, Overtested, Underestimated Generation, shares practical steps we each can take to revolutionize schools and reclaim children’s well-being.

Vicki’s most recent film project, Counted Out, explores math’s powerful role in shaping the health of our democracy—and how changing the way we teach math can help all of us thrive.

In the spring of 2022, she produced the live stream community event, State of the Kids: Uniting for Youth Mental Health, to collectively envision new paths forward.