Through her studio, Reel Link Films, Vicki has directed three feature-length documentaries that spotlight the roles that school practices and culture play in shaping society.

RACE TO NOWHERE highlights the widespread culture of fear and pressure that has infiltrated our schools and our children’s lives—creating an epidemic of student anxiety, depression, and disengagement.
“More compassion than prescription” —The New York Times

BEYOND MEASURE showcases stories of passionate leaders who are upending traditional educational practices to center student discovery, making schools places of deep learning and well-being for every child.

COUNTED OUT explores math’s role in empowering individuals by shaping access to financial security, civic engagement, and the health of our democracy—and how changing the way we teach math can help all of us thrive.

Vicki also partners with other filmmakers as an Impact Producer, leading screening campaigns that bring groundbreaking films and conversations into communities across the country to spark real change.

Vicki has partnered with Chasing Childhood and High School 9-1-1 as an associate producer of the Sundance favorite Miss Representation and Plastic Man: The Artful Life of Jerry Ross Barrish.